Presence and role in the pig iron treatment market

VAMTEC GROUP is present in the pig iron treatment market with products that have a very important differential in relation to other options on the market, as they are prepared in a personalized way to each customer based on visits and technical evaluations.

Our technical team monitors the tests during the development phase, making the necessary adjustments to the process and provides after-sales assistance to ensure greater comfort to the user.


Our production chain is closely monitored, from collecting information towards a complete supply chain to our final customers. For us, details make the difference! We have implemented an integrated Management System for process quality, providing the control of variables and the stability of our products.


We have a strategic policy to maintain safety stocks of raw materials and products, resulting in the best supply route for customers and obtaining better results in the short and long term. We evaluate the possibility of operations on consignment, stocking and exports. Our objective is to minimize logistics constraints and guarantee that our customers receive the products with quality and within the proper timing.

Permanent search for innovation and customer improvements

A inovação faz parte da nossa cultura! Buscamos alinhar tecnologia, novas alternativas e melhorias dos nossos produtos e processos. Atualmente temos como importante fator de sucesso a relação técnica com nossos clientes. O pacote de fornecimento estende-se ao acompanhamento do desempenho dos produtos, treinamento dos envolvidos e a resolução de problemas.

Além disso, mantemos parcerias com universidades e laboratórios reconhecidos objetivando os melhores resultados e parâmetros de confiabilidade, garantindo processos e tratamentos inovadores para o tratamento do ferro gusa.

Desenvolvemos ao longo dos anos sólida experiência na área, otimizando resultados e proporcionando ganhos aos clientes.

Além das empresas do setor de ferro gusa, empresas de fundição e ferroligas também poderão realizar o tratamento de seus metais líquidos para agregar valor aos seus produtos.

Talk to a VAMTEC GROUP specialist.

We are ready to serve you, contact us!

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